Saturday, February 20, 2010

Higher ed story ideas.

Scott Jaschik from Inside Higher Ed always gives a talk at EWA’s higher ed seminar about the Top Ten college story ideas, and it is always, always worth the price of admission—not that our conferences really have a price of admission. My colleague Lori Crouch is twittering them more in depth here, but in short: the unfairness of community college funding, budget woes of small privates (check out the rising discount rates, dwindling rainy-day funds), the gender gap (is it reversing course?), unemployed PhDs, the demise of humanities, how merit scholarships only benefit the affluent and colleges eager to enroll them, outsourcing curriculum-in-a-box to for-profits, mammoth deficits in college athletics, where veterans are going on the GI Bill and tougher admissions at regional publics.

And because he couldn’t stop at ten: allergies, community-college-to-private transfers, gay students at religious colleges and what the iPad might mean for e-textbooks.

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